I was invited to speak in Colorado and Arizona for three user groups, and it was a great time!

I kicked off the trip in Colorado Springs at the South Colorado .NET Users Group ran by Ben Hoelting, a fellow MVP and a friend of mine that also speaks at VSLive. We had a great chat with an overview of Uncle Bob Martin’s SOLID Principles, and then spent the majority of the time discussion software patterns and where they would make sense in the real world.
Next up saw North Colorado .NET Users Group, headed up by Jeff Certain, also a fellow MVP. For this group I gave a new talk that I had been working on called “Introducing Agile into the Workplace”. I culled the content from several other agile talks that I give, and bundled it up into one. What was great about this group is the level of involvement we had in the discussion. Maybe it was the wine and the really good Colorado beer, but it was one of the best conversational meetings I’ve been to in a long time. Special thanks also to Kathleen Dollard for adding her wisdom and experience into the discussion.
From the Denver, Colorado area I headed South and West to Tucson, Arizona for the Tucson .NET Users Group, led by Mike Collins. We discussed Windows Presentation Foundation for Developers, but we also discussed a lot of the anxiety about the way Microsoft is (imho) mishandling Windows 8 announcements and the fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) surrounding the future (or feared lack thereof) of .NET development on the new Windows platform. Whereas I don’t have any more knowledge or information than anyone else (outside of Microsoft), we can all admit two things:
- 1) Microsoft is doing a terrible job with communication. and
- 2) I can’t see (again, merely my opinion), MS turning their back on all of the developers in the .NET ecosystem.
I had a little bit of an issue getting home (my original flight out of Tucson was cancelled, and I had to drive to Phoenix to catch a flight to Las Angeles to get back to Cincinnati), but the trip was still really cool. After all, it’s not the travel that makes this job exciting, it’s meeting all the new, smart, interesting people along the way.
Again, thank you to Telerik for providing the travel, sponsoring the meetings, and allowing me to speak to the community as a core part of my job. It just reinforces their dedication to meeting with the developers of the .NET ecosystem and supporting all of the community initiatives that make us stronger as a community.
Happy coding!