Cincinnati Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Firestarter

.NET Musings

Wandering thoughts of a developer, architect, speaker, and trainer


Cincinnati Object Relational Mapping (ORM) Firestarter

What is an ORM (you ask)? Then this event is perfect for you!

What is a Firestarter event (you ask)? The Firestarters are meant to serve as an entry point into a technology (or technologies). So, for this event, we assume you know nothing about ORMs. Should you come if you have been using NHibernate or Entity Framework? ABSOLUTELY!

We are well into the planning stages for the Cincinnati ORM Firestarter, sponsored by the Cincinnati .NET Users’ Group (CINNUG) and hosted at the Microsoft Offices in Mason on June 13, 2009.

Although we are starting at the beginning with both NH and EF, the presenters will be working up a real application with the different tools so you can see how they work, how they are different, and why you should use one particular tool over the other.

An amazing group of speakers have come forward to help me out (bios coming soon), and as a team we’ve come up with the following lineup:

  • ORM Architectural Overview
  • NHibernate 101
  • Fluent NHibernate and Structure Map
  • Castle Active Record
  • LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework 101
  • Applied Entity Framework

Keep a close eye on this blog post, CINNUG, and Start A Fire. More information will be coming soon!

In the meantime, Happy Coding!

Comments (2) -


Do you have a link yet for registration?

I am so there.  I loved Phil's MVC presentation at CodeMash, so I'm sure this will be great.

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