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SQL Server Quite often in development, either .Net or SQL Server, you want to watch what is running on your server as part of your debugging process. Or, as a DBA, you need to watch what is running for DBA type duties. My good friend an coworker Chris Barth gave me a script to use for just this task.
SELECT 'Process' AS Process
, SP.spid, SP.kpid, SP.blocked AS blockedby, SP.cmd, SP.open_tran
, SP.status, RTRIM(SP.waittype) AS waittype
, RTRIM(SP.lastwaittype) AS lastwaittype
, RTRIM(SP.waittime) AS waittime
, RTRIM(SP.waitresource) AS waitresource, SP.ecid
, 'Session' AS Session
, ES.cpu_time, ES.memory_usage, ES.reads, ES.writes, ES.logical_reads
, ES.last_request_start_time, ES.last_request_end_time
, 'Request' AS Request
, ER.reads AS reads_Request, ER.writes AS writes_Request
, ER.logical_reads AS logical_reads_Request, ER.text_size
, ES.last_request_start_time, ES.last_request_end_time
, 'Connection' AS Connection
, EC.last_read, EC.last_write, SP.stmt_start, SP.stmt_end
, SP.loginame, SP.program_name
, TL.LockCnt
, CASE WHEN SP.stmt_start > 0 AND (SP.stmt_end-SP.stmt_start) > 0
THEN SUBSTRING(ST.text,(SP.stmt_start+2)/2,(SP.stmt_end-SP.stmt_start)/2)
ELSE ST.text
, ST.text AS SQL_Text
FROM sys.sysprocesses SP WITH (nolock)
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections EC WITH (nolock)
ON EC.session_id = SP.spid
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(EC.most_recent_sql_handle) AS ST
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions ES WITH (nolock)
ON ES.session_id = SP.spid
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests ER WITH (nolock)
ON ER.session_id = SP.spid
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT request_session_id AS spid
, resource_associated_entity_id
, resource_database_id,COUNT(1) AS LockCnt
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks WITH (nolock)
where request_session_id = 56
GROUP BY request_session_id,resource_associated_entity_id
, resource_database_id ) TL ON TL.spid = SP.spid
OR blocked <> 0 )
ORDER BY SP.spid, SP.ecid;
The script returns a LOT of information, which most of the time you won't need. But it is all there for those times when you need it. I converted this script to a stored procedure in the master database so it is accessible from all of my databases.
Note, I updated this to remove the line numbers - good suggestion from a reader!
Happy coding!