VS2008 Language Features 24. January 2009 19:16 / Philip Japikse / vs2008 / Comments (0) Technorati Tags: VS2008,New Features,C# 3.0 Here is an index for my posts on new features in VS2008/C# 3.0; Extension Methods in .Net 3.5 Automatic Properties in VS 2008 and C# 3.0 Object and Collection Initialization in VS 2008 and C# 3.0 Implicitly Typed Local Variables in VS2008 and C# 3.0 Partial Methods in VS2008 and C# 3.0 Visual Studio 2008 Compiler Tricks Anonymous Types in VS2008 and C# 3.0 An Intro to LINQ to Objects on VS2008 and C# 3.0 c763f498-eea2-491a-9803-7619538af14c|0|.0|27604f05-86ad-47ef-9e05-950bb762570c Tags : vs2008 , c# , new features , index