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.NET Musings

Wandering thoughts of a developer, architect, speaker, and trainer


Gallio, MbUnit3, and NCover3 - a quick review

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In the midst of converting to an all VM lifestyle, I've upgraded my testing framework to Gallio and MbUnit3.  I've been running the daily builds (found here) and been VERY pleased with the results.  ReSharper integration is spot on, all of my favorite features of MbUnit2 have been migrated (albeit with some changes, see Jeff Brown's blog on the migration here), and many new features added.  Kudos to Jeff Brown and co for an excellent job of getting so many new feature implemented!

I've also been working with the beta of NCover 3, and been exceptionally pleased.  The problem, is all of my work was done with MbUnit2, and now I've committed to MbUnit3, all of my old scripts are worthless.  Fortunately, it didn't take long to figure out the new way!

To run Gallio tests for NCover 3, simply add the /r:IsolatedAppDomain to the Gallio.Echo.exe command, and it will work wonderfully with NCover 3.

C:\Program Files\NCover\NCover.Console.exe" 
    "C:\Program Files\Gallio\bin\Gallio.Echo.exe" /r:IsolatedAppDomain 
    blah blah


My favorite new feature in NCover3? "//eas"  It allows exclusion of entire assemblies.  The performance improvements of NCover 3.0.6Beta over the previous versions is astounding. 


Hats off to those guys over at NCover also.  I don't get to play nearly as much XBox while waiting for my tests suites to run as I used to. that a a good thing?




Happy coding!

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