All posts tagged 'jsspec'

.NET Musings

Wandering thoughts of a developer, architect, speaker, and trainer


StirTrek was Awesome!

So, it’s Monday morning, and we are all back to work.  But the weekend was capped by an excellent event in Columbus, OH. I always love going to events in an around the heartland, since it gives me an opportunity to catch up with so many friends and get great content at the same time.  This was no different.  Well, actually it was…we got to see the new Star Trek movie.  Imagine 400 geeks hanging out watching Star Trek…

Hats off to Jeff Blankenburg, Matt Casto, Jody Morgan, Carey Payette, and any others I might have neglected to mention for putting on such an awesome event!

I attended some great sessions, had some great hallway conversations, and left a better developer for it all.  Here is what I attended (all of them were excellent):

  • What’s New in ASP.NET 4.0 (Steve Smith)
  • Choosing Between ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC (Rachel Appel)
  • Seeing Through The Clouds: Introduction to the Azure Services Platform (Brian H. Prince)

I gave a talk on JQuery called “JQuery and JSSpec – Making the Web Developer Friendly”.  I had some technical issues at the start (playing with Windows7 deep zoom for the first time in the middle of a talk is a bad idea), but recovered quickly, and made it through the material in the allotted time.

The samples can be found here.

Happy Coding!

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