CodeMash 2009 Presentation and Code Samples

.NET Musings

Wandering thoughts of a developer, architect, speaker, and trainer


CodeMash 2009 Presentation and Code Samples

CodeMash was outstanding!  Such a phenomenal group of people all gathered in one place, and all geeking out together was a most memorable time.

My session at the pre-compiler was well attended, and seemed to go very well.  We had to jumble the schedule due to some inclement weather issues (thankfully no one was seriously hurt), and I went in the morning and Leon Gersing went in the afternoon.

Leon's session was outstanding (as usual), and I worked with Mike Wood and Rick Kierner on some additional examples in that session, which are included in my code samples for the conference.

So, without further ado, my presentation and code samples are (finally) available for download.  I will also get them on the Google group for CodeMash when I get approved for that group.

Happy Coding!

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